Your Legal Questions Answered
On this page, you will find a series of short videos in which we answer our clients’ most common questions. Curious about something we didn’t discuss here or need a more in-depth understanding of one of these subjects? We encourage you to contact us or more information.
Bank fraud is a federal crime (banks are federally charted). If someone is accused of misusing the bank system, or perpetrating a fraud on the bank, where the bank loses money or someone else loses money through the banking system, the person can be in … |
Wire fraud is the use of an electronic communication – in the federal system there’s wire fraud and there’s mail fraud – basically, it’s just fraud. The reason it’s called wire fraud or mail fraud is because, historically, federal courts were not allow … |
In the simplest terms, mortgage fraud is where somebody gets a loan and they ae accused of lying on the loan application or they’re accused of saying the property is more valuable than it actually was or is. It’s really just a situation of someone bein … | |
Both Medicare and Medicaid are federal subsidies to provide healthcare to people who qualify for those types of things. Medicare fraud would simply be where a medical provider, such as someone doing diagnostic tests such as CAT scans or MRIs or somethi … |
Sometimes the question comes up: what federal agencies make arrests for federal crimes? These are agencies that most people are familiar with: there’s the FBI (the Federal Bureau of Investigation). You also have the DEA, which deals with drug investiga … |
White collar crime is really just a generic term which applies, many times, to businesses. It could be that a business, or people that own a business or run a business, are charged with doing something illegal. Typically, those things would be what we … |
Sometimes someone may say that they received a target letter, or someone may ask “what is a target letter?” If the United States Attorney is doing a criminal investigation and they’re sending out subpoenas to people to come in and testify, there are so … |